My Story

Hi! I'm Wendy the one behind the bakery! Originally from Perth (in Scotland) and have been in Queenstown since 2007. I worked in the engineering consultancy world for over twenty years. My experience in transport modelling, traffic engineering and road safety has taken me all over the world and that's how I ended up in New Zealand in 2003. Although I enjoyed what I did but somehow I felt it wasn't enough for me and I wanted to pursue something that I am passionate about. Basically I think about food all the time!! I love baking and making things look pretty, I felt that I was craving creativity in my career so decided to take a massive leap and open a bakery in April 2023 in Queenstown.

This is the first business that I have run and when I opened the doors, I had no idea what to expect! I really appreciate all the kind words of support and encouragement from everyone that has stepped into the bakery. I am still learning about my business and welcome the feedback. I absolutely love what I am doing and I wouldn't be here without my amazing family and friends